Jobs, Wages and Workforce Development

Committee Chair:

Councillor Baker

Committee Vice Chair:

Councillor Pressley

Committee Members: 

Councillors Campbell, Jackson, Zakim

Committee E-mail:

Committee Description:

Committee on Jobs, Wages and Workforce Development, which shall concern itself with the economic development of the city through employment opportunities, fair working conditions, and workforce development.  The committee shall concern itself with policy issues affecting Boston’s workforce across all sectors. The committee shall also concern itself with issues related to organized labor and members of public and private collective bargaining units, including, but not limited to wages and hours, standards and statistics, job creation and retention, occupational health and safety, and the development of employment opportunities and training programs. The committee shall also concern itself with the creation and growth of small business, entrepreneurship, and the innovation economy.  The committee shall work to support thriving neighborhood commercial districts, including streamlining permitting and licensing, increasing access to labor and workforce development, and fostering community economic development. The committee shall exercise oversight with respect to the Main Streets Program, Boston Employment Commission, Consumer Affairs & Licensing Department, Boston Licensing Board, Boston Redevelopment Authority, Boston Redevelopment Authority Contract Compliance Office, Boston Resident Jobs Policy, Consumer Affairs and Licensing Department, Department of Neighborhood Development, Office of Business Development, Office of Jobs and Community Services, Office of Workforce Development, Office of Labor Relations, and Small and Local Business Enterprise Office, Inspectional Services Department, Office of Food Initiatives, Food Truck Program, Small and Local Business Enterprise Office, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Boston Fire Department Fire Prevention Division.